
Exclusive: House Oversight Chair Threatens Subpoenas If White House Doesn’t Cough Up ‘Bidenbucks’ Plans



The Biden-Harris administration appears to be stonewalling a congressional probe of its secretive executive order directing every federal agency to register and mobilize voters. 

The powerful House Oversight Committee is threatening to force the White House to comply if it doesn’t quickly turn over the documents and information the committee requested regarding the controversial directive, according to a letter I obtained exclusively from Chairman James Comer, R-Ky., to Office of Management and Budget Director Shalanda Young.

Executive Order 14019 on “Promoting Access to Voting” requires offices under the control of the Biden-Harris administration — from the Department of Housing and Urban Development to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services and the Department of Education — to register the millions of people with whom they interact, the many beneficiaries of the programs these agencies administer. Not only that, but the executive order suggests that the agencies partner with putatively nonpartisan third-party organizations to do so.

The White House issued the order in March 2021 with the explicit intent of registering more nonwhite voters — cohorts that tend to vote disproportionately Democrat — claiming they face “significant obstacles,” rooted in discriminatory policies, to participate in elections.

The ideas in the order largely originated inside the leftist Demos think tank, and the order seemingly includes built-in bias toward turning out likely Democrat voters under Democrat-dominated agencies. Due to those factors, plus left-wing NGOs’ support of and compliance with the order, many have likened this public-private voting initiative to the “Zuckbucks” effort of the 2020

CLICK HERE to read the rest of this ARTICLE. This post was originally published on another website.


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