
Exclusive: 87 Republicans Probe Army For Labeling Pro-Life Organizations As ‘Terrorist Groups’



Eighty-seven congressional Republicans are demanding answers from the U.S. Army after one of its bases got caught referring to pro-life organizations as “terrorist groups.”

“The American public expects the Department of Defense and its personnel to defend the homeland from actual terrorists, not Americans who seek protections for children in the womb,” a letter sent to Army Secretary Christine Wormuth on Friday and obtained by The Federalist reads.

Spearheaded by Sen. Ted Budd, R-N.C., and Rep. Richard Hudson, R-N.C., the probe seeks to uncover information about an anti-terrorism briefing slide recently used by Fort Liberty (formerly known as Fort Bragg) that classified pro-life groups such as National Right to Life and Operation Rescue as threats to the American homeland.

First reported Wednesday by self-described analyst Sam Shoemate on X, the slideshow presentation listed features of these so-called “anti-abortion” groups, such as their opposition to Roe v. Wade and what types of activities they partake in. According to Shoemate, the pro-life slide “followed right after a slide about ISIS, a terror group in the Middle East.”

Fort Liberty’s public affairs office confirmed the slide’s authenticity to The Federalist on Thursday, claiming they were “not vetted by the appropriate approval authorities” and “will no longer be used” in future trainings. The office did not, however, respond to The Federalist’s follow-up inquiry on whether the “local garrison employee” responsible for creating the slides has been or will be punished or fired for their conduct.

“While Ft. Liberty’s statement asserts that the slides ‘do not reflect

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