
Ex-FBI Counsel Behind Russiagate, Biden Laptop Censorship Now Part Of Left-Wing Election Network



The former FBI general counsel who pushed Twitter to censor the Hunter Biden laptop story is now working with a left-wing election influencers’ group. 

James Baker, also prominent for his role in pushing the FBI’s political persecution of former President Donald Trump for the “Russiagate” hoax, is listed as a member of the National Task Force on Election Crises. The group is a subsidiary of the left-wing Protect Democracy Project, a litigation group formed to oppose Trump’s policies, according to InfluenceWatch.

The task force pushes early and mail-in voting, claims to help prevent “cyber or other attacks by foreign adversaries or domestic disrupters,” promotes “pre-canvassing of absentee ballots,” seeks to discourage legal election challenges, and advocates for censorship of certain online speech about elections.  

Working for the Regime

Baker’s key areas of expertise, according to the group’s website, are “legal and legislative issues,” “political violence and intimidation,” “foreign and cyber interference,” and “election subversion.”

Baker certainly knows about “legal issues.” While serving as the FBI’s lead counsel, he met with Michael Sussmann — who he later admitted was a “friend” — and who provided “intel” supposedly proving connections between the Trump Organization and Alfa Bank, a Russian company. Sussmann claimed he was acting on his own behalf, though he was later found to have been working for Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign.

Baker should also know about “political violence and intimidation,” considering that he prompted the FBI to investigate Trump using Sussmann’s faulty information. He also told Congress Sussmann’s lie

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