
Everything Senate Democrats Lied About During Their IVF And Abortion-For-All Hearing



Democrats’ extremism on abortion and assisted reproductive technology was on full display on Wednesday as senators on the Judiciary Committee heard testimony from activists, doctors, and in vitro fertilization clients.

In a hearing titled “The Continued Assault on Reproductive Freedoms in a Post-Dobbs America,” Democrats, led by Chairman Dick Durbin, argued that pro-life wins like life-saving limits on abortion and recognizing vulnerable unborn children as humans are dangerous and radical.

In reality, Democrats and their witnesses repeatedly lied about the science, data, and laws surrounding life in the womb to sugarcoat their radical belief that adults have a “right” to create and murder children at whatever whim or cost. Here were some of their worst falsehoods:

Lie 1: Women are Being Denied Critical Medical Care

Durbin invoked Amanda Zurawski, a Texan who testified to the committee last year about going into premature labor and sepsis at just 18 weeks gestation, as an example of women with “non-viable life-threatening pregnancies” being denied what he called “medical care,” or abortions.

Durbin purported that Zurawski’s doctors wanted to give her an abortion but couldn’t under Lone Star State law. In fact, he claimed doctors in general are “no longer … able to use their best medical judgment to treat patients anymore” due to pro-life laws.

Zurawaski did eventually get her abortion, and none of her medical team was prosecuted because it wasn’t an illegal abortion.

Women under every pro-life law on the books are entitled to care for ectopic pregnancies,

CLICK HERE to read the rest of this ARTICLE. This post was originally published on another website.


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