
Every Ohio Pastor Has A Duty To Urge His Congregants To Vote No On Issue 1



Issue 1 on Ohioan’s ballots Tuesday is a brazen yet cunning attempt to remove all power to regulate abortion from the people’s elected representatives.

The pro-abortion movement in Ohio lost on the merits in the legislature. Now, fueled by millions of dollars from out-of-state special interests, it is pushing to amend the Ohio Constitution with this deceitfully-worded ballot initiative. 

Despite what proponents of Issue 1 claim in misleading advertising, if Issue 1 passes, abortionists will argue that its broad language guarantees taxpayer-funded abortion up to the moment of birth, including abortions sought by minors without parental consent. This law is deeply at odds with the moral convictions of Ohioans, who overwhelmingly favor at least some restrictions on abortion.

Current polling indicates a close race. In my view, the scales will not be tipped by legal gamesmanship, special interests, out-of-state money, or deceitful ads. The power to defeat this barbaric initiative lies squarely with the leaders of Ohio’s local churches.

Ohio’s Church Leaders Hold the Keys to Victory

Ohio pastors influence a vast number of people. Thirty-eight percent of Ohioans attend church at least once per week. That’s roughly 4.4 million potential Ohio voters. 

Pastoral influence runs broad and deep. Weekly churchgoers trust their pastor’s spiritual guidance and look to the pulpit for advice and direction. Congregants often view their pastor as the primary source of moral authority in life — including on the issue of abortion. 

Pastors and priests could command tremendous political power by simply making their congregations

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