
Every Biden 2024 Scenario Is Deadly Dangerous



It should have sunk in a lot sooner with the public just how truly fraught and uncharted the territory is that we’re lurching toward in 2024.

Not a single set of current circumstances spells calm and normal. It’s the opposite. They’re all destined for discord, misrule, and distrust. And it will be at a level that makes the 2020 presidential election from hell look like a furry convention.

Just look at the most likely scenarios.

Joe Biden and his trusty affirmative action ditz Kamala Harris skate to the nomination. There’s a lot of time between now and November 2024, but every bit of publicly available data at the moment spells certain doom for Democrats. Polls consistently show Biden is unpopular and that voters prefer Donald Trump on all major issues, save abortion (which, admittedly, is a big one that has cost Republicans elections before). A normal person looks at that set of circumstances and says, “Well, that makes sense. Trump will probably win.” But Democrats aren’t normal people at any given moment, no less in an election year they are likely to lose to Donald Trump. Under those circumstances, they’re desperate to the point of maniacal, and they won’t go down quietly or with anything resembling honor.

Biden experiences a health crisis that renders him incapable of campaigning, but he nevertheless refuses to bow out. Maybe it’s an ugly fall. Maybe it’s something worse. But whatever it might be, it’s not out of the realm of possibility that Biden’s physical

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