
ESPN ‘Celebrates’ Women By Denying Their Existence



There are hundreds of thousands of talented female college and professional athletes in the U.S. who deserve recognition for their hard work, skill, and talent — but ESPN chose to celebrate this year’s Women’s History Month by boosting the resume of a man.

Over the weekend, ESPN ran a special segment recognizing Lia Thomas, a male swimmer who invaded women’s sports in 2021. What did Thomas do to land a spot as poster child for ESPN’s supposedly pro-woman campaign? He was the first man to clench an NCAA Division I women’s championship.

ESPN celebrated Women’s History Month by promoting a special about transgender swimmer Lia Thomas……a biological male who destroyed real women in the pool. pic.twitter.com/gVLa0rz2NN

— David Hookstead (@dhookstead) March 26, 2023

By elevating Thomas, ESPN joins a slew of companies and organizations that believe men in ladyface represent women and even deserve awards specifically created for females.

ESPN paid no attention to Thomas before he started claiming womanhood. Now that he’s winning competitions against women he’s naturally equipped to outcompete, ESPN and countless corporate media companies shower Thomas with attention, praise, and a platform to spew lies about the biological differences between men and women.

“There’s a lot of factors that go into a race and how well you do, and the biggest change for me is that I’m happy,” Thomas said in an interview last year.

Pro-women activists, commentators, and female athletes know that Thomas isn’t just winning competitions and time in the

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