
Eric Adams Doesn’t Need A Mexico Vacation To Understand The Migrant Wreckage In His City



Like his mom, Kamala Harris, New York Mayor Eric Adams is making busy work for himself with a nice little taxpayer-funded trip to Latin America, he says, to “start the process of understanding the flow of migrants here.”

This is like telling your boss that you need extra PTO so that you can start the process of understanding why children would rather eat candy and stay up late.

There’s no mystery to solve here, no less one that involves a jaunt to a tropical destination with nice beach weather and fresh guacamole. (Hope you packed your speedo, Mr. Mayor!) All of the world’s destitute are coming here, especially to places like New York, because Democrats, along with a whole lot of Republicans, invited them. And not only were they invited, but they’ve been promised a lot of free stuff to sweeten the pot!

In New York, it’s literally written into law that everyone in the city is entitled to housing. Unfortunately for the unabated influx of migrants arriving — 600 per day, 4,200 per week — the city has run out of shelter space. A luxury hotel in the heart of Manhattan will have to do!

I’m aware that some of the hundreds of thousands of migrants hurling themselves across the Southern border annually simply hope that they can find jobs. But I also read The New York Times, including an article earlier this year quoting a 31-year-old Venezuelan migrant who made it to a shelter in Texas with her baby and

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