
Elizabeth Warren Is A Hamas Apologist



Below is a tweet from Senator Elizabeth Warren (D, (1/32rd) Cherokee) that perfectly encapsulates the vile dishonesty of the anti-Israel leftist:

Prime Minister Netanyahu and his right-wing government have failed to get the hostages released and have killed nearly 30,000 Palestinians. No more blank checks for Netanyahu. We need to condition aid, resume the cease-fire, and advance peace through a two-state solution.

— Elizabeth Warren (@SenWarren) February 8, 2024

Like most anti-Israel progressives, Warren uses Benjamin Netanyahu as a convenient strawman despite knowing well that any Israeli government — actually, any responsible state — whether on the right or left, would be rooting out Hamas right now. And, indeed, every major party in that country, right or left, supports the effort to rid Gaza of Hamas and Islamic Jihad. Contrary to the myth cultivated by the left since the Barack Obama “echo chamber” years, Netanyahu is an elected leader of a democratic nation, not a dictator acting without popular support or outside law.

Warren then blames Israel for not being able to release the hostages but doesn’t blame Hamas for taking them or the Palestinian civilians for holding them. Warren blames Israel for “killing” people but not Palestinians for massacring Israeli civilians. All of which says a lot about her depraved worldview.

Warren, like most of the media, relies on Hamas’ completely bogus casualty numbers. Can you imagine news organizations or American politicians passing along ISIS fatality figures with this kind of authority? We have no idea how many Gazans have

CLICK HERE to read the rest of this ARTICLE. This post was originally published on another website.


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