
‘Election Interference’: Leftist PAC’s Ad Uses Deceitful Trump Clips To Suppress Republican Votes



In what is being described as “blatant election interference,” a left-wing group is pushing ads insisting Pennsylvania Republicans “listen to” former President Trump and forgo early voting. 

The ad, paid for by liberal super PAC “Pennsylvania Values,” uses old clips from Trump talking about how corrupt mail-in voting is — a statement grounded in a fair amount of truth but a message that Trump and the GOP have moved past as they urge Republicans to vote early in November’s rematch of the 2020 presidential election. 

“MAGA Patriots Listen To Our President!” the ad, using a black and white photo of Trump, declares. 

“Mail-in voting is totally corrupt. Get that through your head!” Trump says in a clip punctuated by dramatic music. 

Conservative organizations working get-out-the-vote efforts in battleground Pennsylvania and elsewhere say the ad is the kind of “disinformation” campaign that the left, Big Tech and the Deep State have railed against — and shut down.  

“Pennsylvania Values is a Left-wing super PAC dedicated to silencing conservative voices and keeping Republican voters home, no matter the tactics,” Sentinel Action Fund, Republican State Leadership Committee (RSLC), and Keystone Renewal PAC said in a press release response. 

“To use the Left’s terminology, this new ad buy is ‘disinformation,’ completely mischaracterizing conservatives’ views of early voting,” said Sentinel Action Fund President Jessica Anderson, RSLC PAC President Dee Duncan, and Keystone Renewal PAC Spokesman Kaelan Dorr in the joint statement. 

‘Forecasting Dirty Tricks’

It should come as little surprise that a liberal group

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