
Durham Report Shows Government’s ‘Misinformation’ Czars Are The First To Believe It 



Special Counsel John Durham has finally completed his long-awaited report on the 2016 election and related rot emanating from the FBI and intelligence agencies, and it contains some pretty damning conclusions. A few were already fairly obvious: The Steele dossier was a joke, Obama’s FBI was rabidly attempting to spy on the regime’s enemies, intelligence agencies apparently had zero evidence of collusion when they opened Crossfire Hurricane, and this action “had the potential of affecting the 2016 election.”

But woven throughout the report’s many revelations is a theme condemning the same feds who have appointed themselves the arbiters of all they consider “mis-, dis-, and malinformation.” In short, it’s the powerful members of the Department of Justice — not some random QAnon Facebookers or moms who show up to talk at school board meetings — that are the biggest believers and purveyors of misinformation. When the feds received false information that supported their biases about Donald Trump, Russia, and the 2016 election, they gobbled it up hook, line, and sinker, no matter how unreliable the source or suspect the information.

The dossier from former British spy Christopher Steele is a prime example. According to Durham’s report, the FBI “ultimately was not able to confirm or corroborate any of the substantive allegations contained in [Steele’s] reports” but used them anyway as a pretext to spy on the Trump campaign.

Even Steele’s primary sub-source, Russian national Igor Danchenko, who bragged about being the source for 80 percent of Steele’s “intel,” couldn’t corroborate

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