
Durham Report: FBI Proposed Paying Russia-Collusion Hoaxer Igor Danchenko To Silence Him After Learning He Lied



Special Counsel John Durham confirmed in a 306-page report released on Monday that Crossfire Hurricane investigators at the FBI hoped to keep sending Russian national and Steele dossier primary sub-source Igor Danchenko six-figure payments even after they learned he had lied to them.

The FBI brought Danchenko on as an official confidential human source (CHS) in March 2017 after he spent months working with Christopher Steele to fabricate dirt on 2016 presidential candidate Donald Trump for the Clinton campaign.

Despite the fact that Danchenko was at the center of an FBI counterintelligence investigation from 2009 to 2011, “had previous contact with the Russian Embassy and known Russian intelligence officers,” and “had also informed one Russian intelligence officer that he had interest in entering the Russian diplomatic service,” Danchenko was paid $220,000 to aid the agency as a CHS until October 2020.

While Danchenko was a CHS, he was not subject to congressional oversight due to policies regarding ongoing investigation and sources and methods. It was after Danchenko left the immunity of the FBI’s “national security” excuses that the spy agency began to worry about Durham’s investigation into the Russia-collusion hoax, which the special counsel found “neither U.S. law enforcement nor the Intelligence Community appears to have possessed any actual evidence of.”

In an apparent bid to buy Danchenko’s silence and avoid further scrutiny for its “flawed” decision to spy on the Trump campaign without corroborated evidence, the FBI proposed keeping Danchenko on the payroll with payments totaling

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