
Don’t Be Fooled: Putting Voter Registration Kiosks In High Schools Is A Ploy To Help Democrats



There is a giant scheme underway by Democrats to turn high schoolers into their latest voting bloc. As roughly two-thirds of Gen Z voters backed House Democrats this past midterm election cycle, left-wing activists are looking to expand their gains in the youth vote by targeting Gen Z’s younger members. And that’s why they’re focused on bringing voter registration drives to high schools as 2024 gets closer.

Case in point: Montgomery County, Alabama is bringing voter registration kiosks to all its high schools.

Keep in mind that to be eligible to cast a ballot in Alabama, voters must be 18 years of age or older. Yet the Montgomery County Probate office wants to “put these kiosks at all of our local high schools to really try to capture those students who are about to graduate and come into the world,” as one official put it.

By installing these mobile kiosks in local high schools, school officials can partner with outside Democrat groups to hold voter registration drives and swing impressionable teens in particular candidates’ favor, both on the local and national levels.

“One of the things that the schools can do is they can move it [the kiosk] around, you know, to the cafeteria, if they wanted to do a voter registration drive there, or if the student government or cheerleaders or Spanish club, wanted to do a voter registration, right up before the basketball game, they can hold it down there,” Montgomery County Probate Judge JC Love told

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