
Donald Trump Jr.’s Latest MSNBC Face-Off Proves Republicans Can’t Hate Corporate Media Enough



Republicans hoping to learn how to deal with the corrupt corporate media and their never-ending stream of lies should look no further than Donald Trump Jr.’s recent exchange with MSNBC’s Jacob Soboroff at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee.

Soboroff approached Trump Jr. and his brother Eric Trump during the convention on Monday asking them to preview their father’s ruling style if he is elected to the White House for a second time. He also asked Trump Jr. to agree that the 45th president is a “divisive figure.”

“Your father as president, I think you would even say was a divisive figure. What’s it going to look like in the second term?” Soboroff asked Trump Jr.

“I don’t think he was a divisive figure at all,” Trump Jr. retorted. “I think the media created divisiveness around him. They lied about Russia, Russia collusion. They said he was a traitor. They went after him in every whichways possible.”

Trump Jr. is right. Ever since his dad descended the golden escalator in 2015, the propaganda press have done nothing but lie, hoax, and smear the Republican’s name and political career to advance Democrats’ “get Trump” agenda.

It doesn’t matter to outlets like MSNBC that a significant number of Americans voted for Trump in 2016 and tell pollsters they would do the same if the 2024 presidential election were held today. Their goal from the beginning was to do everything they could to stop Trump and silence his voters by whatever means

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