
‘Does He Live Here?’: Watchdog Group Investigates ‘Hundreds’ Of Suspect Arizona Voter Registrations



An election integrity watchdog group’s investigation has found numerous Arizona voters whose registered address on the voter rolls belongs to a commercial establishment.

Published on Tuesday, the documentary follows the Public Interest Legal Foundation’s (PILF) Lauren Bis as she visits bars, gas stations, and other venues listed as the residence for individuals on Arizona’s voter rolls. State law mandates that voter registration forms contain a “registrant’s actual place of residence,” which is to include their “street name and number, apartment or space number, city or town and zip code, or such description of the location of the residence that it can be readily ascertained or identified.”

These registration forms specifically prohibit individuals from listing a Post Office box or business address as their registered address.

“The Public Interest Legal Foundation has found and inspected hundreds of commercial addresses where people are registered to vote from in Arizona,” Bis said. “Some of these addresses include an abortion clinic, gas stations, liquor stores, vacant lots, a high school, a smoke shop, gun shop, fast food chain, strip clubs, golf courses, and bars.”

One instance highlighted in the documentary shows Bis purchasing a bottle of water at what appears to be a gas station. While paying, she asked the cashier if she knows whether “Josie [last name redacted] lives here.” After asking Bis to repeat the name, the cashier looking baffled, shook her head.

Are you asking if “she works here?” the cashier probed, to which Bis replied, “Lives here. This is

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