
Does Bari Weiss Really Oppose Cultural Marxism?



This excerpt comes from False Flag: Why Queer Politics Mean the End of America, available from Regnery Publishing everywhere books are sold June 18.

Bari Weiss has been waking up for a few years. The liberal columnist famously quit The New York Times in 2020 over its venom against free speech, then started The Free Press, which has 250,000 subscribers. Subscriptions are $8 per month or $80 per year.

Weiss, who attended Columbia University as a “theater kid,” can’t unsee the reality that intersectionalism creates “a caste system” that labels Jews like her “oppressors” on account of their race. Her lifelong positioning among the U.S. ruling class has allowed Weiss to see, earlier than many others, that cultural Marxism’s doctrine of intersectionalism is not only incoherent but totalitarian.

Being targeted as an oppressor for her race prompted Weiss to argue publicly for “ending DEI” and for people from all political persuasions to “fight for the West.” Not only religious and ethnic minorities like Jews but also sexual minorities should do the same, she argues, because cultural Marxism threatens us all.

On Oct. 7, 2023, Hamas terrorists entered Israel and beheaded babies, raped women, captured 200 hostages, and murdered 1,400 people. Weeks later, Weiss gave a speech to the Federalist Society, an organization of nonleftist lawyers. Leftists openly joining Islamists in celebrations of terrorism all over the globe motivated a stirring speech. Weiss noted the crude Cultural Marxist calculus that slots people into groups based on sex, sexual behavior, and race,

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