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Divorce Is Hardest On The Kids, Even When They’re All Grown Up



Children are made for a daily relationship with their mothers and fathers, which is best achieved within the life-long union of marriage. As the phenomenon known as “gray divorce,” or divorce over the age of 50, increases (34.9 percent of all divorces in the U.S. in 2020 were among those aged 55 or older), we are learning that the effects of divorce are not unique to young children.

The instability, confusion, and questions of parental loyalty don’t simply disappear when one is an adult child of divorce. This is why when we allow victims of gray divorce to speak out, we learn that even adults don’t simply “get over” their parents’ separations. In a recent Twitter post, several adult children of divorce commented and privately messaged us at Them Before Us, sharing their experiences such as, “My parents’ divorce was literally one [of] the most traumatic and destabilizing things I’ve ever been through,” and, “My parents’ divorce when I was in my mid 20s was one of the worst things that ever happened to me; it broke me nearly beyond repair.”

Loss of Parental Connection

Studies on the effects of gray divorce on adult children tell us that mothers and fathers differ in their reactions to divorce. Mothers are twice as likely to have more frequent contact with their adult children after a late divorce than they did before, whereas fathers are only half as likely to maintain frequent contact with their children.

As Kyle, who was 27 when his

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Biden-Harris Hid Info On Suspected Terrorists Crossing The Border From The Public, Former Border Agent Claims



The Biden-Harris administration instructed Border Patrol officials from releasing information to the American public on suspected terrorists crossing the U.S.-Mexico border, a former senior agent claimed on Wednesday.

Speaking before the House Homeland Security Committee, retired Chief Border Patrol Agent Aaron Heitke alleged that administration officials told him he “could not release any names or information” on the increase of “significant interest aliens (SIAs)” — illegals with “significant ties to terrorism” — apprehended at the southern border. Heitke was promoted to chief patrol agent of the San Diego sector in February 2020 and retired last summer.

The former Border Patrol agent noted that the San Diego sector “averaged 10 to 15 SIA arrests per year” prior to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris taking office. Once “word got out” about the administration’s open border policies, the sector experienced an exponential increase in the number of SIAs apprehended by U.S. agents, Heitke contended.

After Biden and Harris took office, “San Diego went to over 100 SIAs in 2022, well over that in 2023, and even more than that registered this year,” he said. “These are only the ones we caught.”

Heitke claimed that in keeping information about suspected terrorists crossing the border hidden, the administration was “trying to convince the public there was no threat at the border.”

In addition to a mass influx of fentanyl into the United States, the retired border chief noted how he had to “release illegal aliens by the hundreds each day into

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Democrats’ Abortion Extremism Would Not Be Possible Without Help From Corporate Media



The abortion extremism that Democrats have made the hallmark of their campaigns in recent years did not sneak into red states and onto debate stages by accident. It is the corporate media’s years-long willingness to amplify abortion activism that gave Democrats desperate to control the narrative on unborn life the ability to make killing babies the center of their 2024 election strategy.

For years, top Democrats have rejected any limits on ending life in the womb. Those blue party members who refuse to admit to their affinity for unlimited abortion so plainly, such as Vice President Kamala Harris, make it clear where they stand when they throw their support behind bills and ballot measures that seek to codify killing unborn babies through birth.

Democrats have publicly advocated for abortion for all regardless of the circumstances in all 50 states. They’ve even pledged to stop at nothing, including the filibuster, to ensure it happens. Yet, corporate media have deliberately avoided forcing pro-abortion politicians to reconcile their radicalism with Americans’ widespread support for restricting abortion.

To put it bluntly, the propaganda press quite literally let Democrats get away with murder without saying a word.

Even the talking heads that dare to ask Democrat candidates and officials exactly what week of pregnancy abortion permissions should end do so meekly and without adequate follow-up.

.@VP Harris calls on Congress to codify the abortion rights protections of Roe v. Wade, and does not say which week of pregnancy should be the cutoff

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99 Percent Of Challenged Signatures For Arizona’s Ranked-Choice Voting Ballot Initiative Are Duplicates



A court-appointed special master report revealed on Tuesday that roughly 99 percent of challenged signatures collected for a pro-ranked-choice voting Arizona ballot measure are duplicates.

In his report, court-ordered Special Master and retired Arizona Superior Court Judge Christopher Skelly disclosed that 37,657 pairs of signatures gathered in support of Proposition 140 are, in fact, duplicates. As argued by the Arizona Free Enterprise Club (AZFEC), this discovery “now place[s] Proposition 140 thousands of signatures under the constitutionally required signature threshold to qualify for the [November] ballot.”

Proposition 140 would amend the Arizona Constitution by instituting an open primary system in which candidates of all parties run in the same primary. It also paves the way for the state to potentially adopt ranked-choice voting (RCV) for general elections.

Under an RCV system, voters are asked to rank candidates of all parties in order of preference. If no candidate receives more than 50 percent of first-choice votes in the first round of voting, the last-place finisher is eliminated, and his votes are reallocated to the voter’s second-choice candidate. This process continues until one candidate receives a majority of votes.

As described by AZ Free News, Skelly’s report noted how “hundreds of the alleged duplicates were overruled and removed from consideration and 3,333 were removed from consideration by agreement of attorneys on both sides,” and that “[w]hile the signatures were classed into ‘exact matches’ and ‘near matches,’ Skelly [wrote] that he was instructed to ‘not read anything into those descriptions and … did not.’”

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