
Did The FBI Prevent Delaware Agents From Investigating Biden Bribery Allegations?



Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, rarely asks a question to which he doesn’t know the answer. When the question concerns the politicization and weaponization of the FBI, you can bet some damning information rests behind his query.

So when Grassley asked on Thursday whether bribery was within the parameters of Delaware’s investigation into Hunter Biden, it likely means the FBI defined the scope of the federal investigation into the president’s son so narrowly that agents lacked the authority to properly probe a “highly credible” confidential human source’s reporting implicating the Biden family. Specifically, the CHS reported that Hunter and Joe Biden each received $5 million in bribes from the Ukrainian oil and gas company Burisma.

The Iowa senator posed his question last Thursday during the executive business meeting of the Senate Judiciary Committee. After several exchanges between Republican members of the Judiciary Committee and Democrat Chair Dick Durbin over the question of what, if anything, the FBI had done to investigate the bribery alleged in the CHS’s FD-1023 report, Grassley interjected this query:

“In regard to U.S. Attorney Weiss, do we know if his job follows up on bribery, or is it just this tax stuff that we’ve been reading about? If it doesn’t include bribery, then he can’t do anything about investigating.”

And with those two sentences, Grassley revealed the initial answer Americans need to assess whether the DOJ and FBI sabotaged a criminal probe into the Biden family.

As Crossfire Hurricane and related sub-investigations established, when the FBI

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