
Detrans Helps Transgender Cult Survivors Tell Horrifying Truths All Media Work To Hide



If the Americans Mary Margaret Olohan writes about in Detrans weren’t victims of Democrats, their plight would be all over Hollywood, “60 Minutes,” PBS, and all the rest. There’s more than enough in the stories of young Americans reverting transgender body modifications and personas to attract entire teams of investigative reporters and creatives for years. It’s at least as big as the Big Tobacco lawsuits, the abortion industry, the Oxycontin scandals, and child sex trafficking.

This lack of curiosity in a deep and dramatic story says a lot about our culture, our institutions, our media, and our rulers. It’s not solely a lack of curiosity, either, as Olohan’s reporting shows. It’s a horrifying lack of empathy and lack of will to secure justice for some of the most vulnerable and mistreated people in our society.

Olohan’s interviews with people who stopped identifying as transgender reveal a lot more than our cultural leaders’ lack of empathy and concern for social justice. They also reveal the predatory nature of queer ideology and the people promoting it. Their stories show that all the glitter-covered propaganda about “love” and “ending hate” overlays horrifying realities.

Chest and genital wounds that constantly weep fluid and are susceptible to infection. Rage ever since she started taking testosterone that terrifies the girl expressing it into cutting her own body in self-torture. Autistic children and children with a history of rape being told that taking the hormones and cutting off attractive female parts will instantly transform their pre-existing emotional

CLICK HERE to read the rest of this ARTICLE. This post was originally published on another website.


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