
Despite Media Claims, Hunter Has Never Really Faced Repercussions For His Drug Antics



Corporate media have embarked on a mission to make Hunter Biden’s long history of drug addiction relatable as the trial over his alleged lying about illegal substance abuse on a federal form moves ahead. The idea that Hunter’s story will resonate with millions of Americans affected by the national drug epidemic represents nothing more than a disgusting ploy by Democrats and their allies in the propaganda press to cover for President Joe Biden’s son again.

The Associated Press lamented that the entire Biden family had to undergo such a “public and expansive airing” of their dirty laundry after accounts of Hunter’s drug-addled behavior made an appearance during witness testimonies.

MSNBC Political Analyst Molly Jong-Fast claimed “The disease that Hunter Biden has is the same disease that I have.”

“It’s the same disease that, you know, almost 20 percent of the country has,” she said.

The New York Times joined the sympathetic dogpile with the headline “Hunter Biden’s Addiction Upended His Family. Has Your Family Had Similar Woes?”

There are certainly physical, mental, emotional, financial, and relational consequences that come with substance abuse. Contrary to corporate media coverage of the younger Biden and his family’s experience with his problem, however, Hunter has hardly endured any of the real-world repercussions the average American addict suffers when they use illicit drugs.

People with habitual drug problems often face charges and jail time for their crimes, which can lead to the government’s seizure of their assets and even children. Meanwhile,

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