
DeSantis Signs Law Increasing Penalties For Illegal Border Crossers



Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed legislation on Friday aimed at discouraging illegal immigration, as President Biden’s manufactured border invasion continues to rage.

“The federal government has failed in its responsibility to secure our southern border, leaving states to fend for themselves,” DeSantis said during a press conference. “In Florida, we do not tolerate illegal immigration, let alone lawlessness committed by illegal aliens who shouldn’t be here in the first place.”

According to a summary released by DeSantis’ office, Senate Bill 1036 will heighten penalties for crimes committed by illegal aliens who unlawfully reenter the United States after previously being deported. For example, “a third-degree felony (up to 5 years in prison) after deportation will [now] be charged as a second-degree felony (up to 15 years in prison).” The law is set to take effect on Oct. 1, according to Florida’s Voice.

House Bill 1451 prohibits Florida localities from “accepting ID cards issued to illegal aliens by other jurisdictions.” State law already bars counties and municipalities from issuing government IDs to foreign border crossers. The final bill signed by the GOP governor, House Bill 1589, “increases penalties on individuals who operate a vehicle without a driver’s license.”

Both measures will take effect on July 1.

The new laws strengthen legislation signed by DeSantis last year, which according to an office press release, made “using E-Verify mandatory for any employer with 25 or more employees, impose[d] enforceable penalties for those employing illegal aliens, and enhance[d] penalties for human smuggling.”

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