
DeSantis And Ramaswamy Were The Only GOP Debaters Who Understood Their Base



Following the first 2024 GOP presidential primary debate on Wednesday, it’s apparent only two of the candidates on stage seemed to understand the will of Republican voters: Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy.

Whether it was on domestic or foreign issues, both candidates used Wednesday’s debate to articulate positions on significant topics that concern millions of everyday conservatives. Regarding U.S. foreign policy toward the Russia-Ukraine war, for example, DeSantis and Ramaswamy were the only two on stage who raised their hands when the Fox News moderators asked which candidates would not support continuous U.S. funding to Ukraine, aligning them with a majority of Americans.

Both candidates also emphasized the importance of prioritizing America’s borders over other countries’, with DeSantis saying he’d utilize military assets against the cartels that operate across the U.S.-Mexico border.

Meanwhile, the six other candidates on stage seemingly thought they were in a GOP primary debate from 2008 or 2012. While former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley preached about the importance of Americans’ tax dollars going toward Ukraine — the second-most corrupt country in Europe — former Vice President Mike Pence couldn’t help but brag about the 2017 “Trump-Pence tax cuts” when asked if he thought the Covid lockdowns under the Trump administration contributed to rising crime in American cities.

There were other candidates at the debate (some guy named Doug Burgum?) who said some things, but nothing of relative significance.

Aside from DeSantis and Ramaswamy, the other six talking heads apparently don’t know

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