
Democrats Want Americans To Believe We’ve Made No Voting Rights Advances Since 1965



The Senate Judiciary Committee’s show hearing this week laughably labeled as “Protecting Voting Rights in America” accomplished two things: It reminded us that what Democrats are really interested in protecting is their power, and that the American left still wants to party like it’s 1965. 

Oh, one other thing: Sen. Ted Cruz ate Sen. Dick Durbin’s lunch. 

The “Voter Suppression” Show, sponsored by Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Dick Durbin, D-Illinois, and his fellow Dems, used much of the nearly three-hour hearing to tell whoever was watching that Republicans abhor democracy and to campaign for November.

They certainly weren’t in it because they believe their John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act — an anti-states rights monstrosity of a proposal — has any hope of becoming law this year. The bill, which in part demands once again that states seek Justice Department approval for voting law changes such as ID requirements, has no chance of moving in the Republican-controlled House or the higher-threshold Senate. 

But Durbin and crew put on quite a performance in trying to convince Americans that their democracy is imperiled by election integrity. 

“It’s time for us to establish the right to vote in this country, and those who would take that right would have to pay a price in answering to not only the judgment of history but their peers at this time in history,” said Durbin in his serious, sinister voice. Remember, this is the same guy who argued for a national litmus test to

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