
Democrats’ Sweeping IVF Bill Aims To Stifle Regulation Of Unchecked Big Fertility Market



Democrats who want to stifle oversight and regulation of Big Fertility introduced legislation this month to protect the multi-billion-dollar assisted reproductive technology (ART) industry and punish states and health institutions that try to limit third-party child manufacturing.

Democrats Sen. Tammy Duckworth, Sen. Patty Murray, and Rep. Susan Wild introduced the “Access To Family Building Act” (AFBA) under the guise of protecting in vitro fertilization (IVF) for hopeful parents. In reality, the legislation seeks to ensure the unlimited creation and destruction of healthy eggs, sperm, and — most importantly —embryos in all 50 states by punishing any entity that tries to “unduly restrict access” to a range of reproductive technologies.

Duckworth’s bill refuses to specifically define ART. Instead, it points to Section 8 of the 1992 Fertility Clinic Success Rate and Certification Act (FCSRCA). which lists “all treatments or procedures” that include eggs, sperm, and embryos; IVF; and surgical reproduction procedures like gamete and zygote intrafallopian transfer (GIFT and ZIFT) as eligible for protection under the Democrats’ latest legislation.

The FCSRCA also includes a provision empowering the U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services to expand the definition of ART to “such other specific technologies” as long as he publicizes his intent “in such manner as to facilitate comment from any person (including any Federal or other public agency).”

The sweeping and subjective categorizations in the FCSRCA mean that while manufacturing lifelong motherless and fatherless children, surrogacy, and experimental transhumanist technologies like artificial wombs“gene editing,” and sidelining women in reproduction are

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