
Democrats Promise To Save ‘Democracy’ By Destroying The Supreme Court



It’s difficult to sit here and make substantive arguments against the Democrats’ Supreme Court “reform” proposal, since everyone knows it’s just a cynical ploy to delegitimize both the court and the Constitution.

Ask yourself this: would any Democrat support the president’s court-packing scheme if they believed Republicans would win both Houses and the presidency? Of course not. It’s Calvinball all the way down.

And it is a court packing scheme. An unconstitutional one. One imagines the term “court packing” hasn’t polled very well with the public, so Joe Biden — or whoever’s running the White House these days — signed off on a backdoor plan. An 18-year term limit for justices would, very conveniently, turn a 6-3 originalist majority into a 6-3 “living and breathing document” majority that would overturn many recent decisions, and rubber stamp a slew of federal abuses.

One might argue it’s all just an election gimmick, since the chances of the reform package passing are close to nil. That’s not the point. The left has normalized the notion that the Supreme Court is both illegitimate and corrupt if it fails to bend to the will of partisans.

After all, none of the left’s objections are grounded in anything resembling a legal argument. The entire case is centered around the specious idea that the court is failing because it does not adhere to the political vision of Democrats. They don’t even pretend to care about neutrality in law, much less the law itself. The contemporary leftist is a consequentialist with no limiting

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