
Democrats May Win The 2024 Election By Buying Swing State Votes



Joe Biden won the 2020 presidential election with narrow margins in Arizona, 0.31 percent or 10,457 votes; Georgia, 0.24 percent or 11,779 votes; Michigan, 2.78 percent or 154,188 votes; Nevada, 2.39 percent or 33,596 votes; Pennsylvania, 1.26 percent or 80,555 votes; and Wisconsin, 0.38 percent or 20,608 votes. Donald Trump won North Carolina by 1.34 percent or 74,483 votes. Democrats know from their battle-tested research how much their questionable get-out-the-vote (GOTV) events will cost per voter and how many more votes they will bring. Since the Democrats’ ground game is stronger this year than 2020, there is a good chance the purple state turnout will be higher for Democrats voting in the Nov. 5, 2024, presidential election.

When We All Vote (WWAV) is one of Democrats’ largest efforts to buy votes. WWAV started its early voting festivals shortly after the organization began in 2016. WWAV is an initiative of Civic Nation, which was founded by former First Lady Michelle Obama and 13 former members of the Obama White House. Because of Michelle Obama’s hatred for Trump, WWAV’s initial 2016 goal was to defeat Trump. Civic Nation quickly developed into America’s most powerful political organization, eclipsing both the Democratic National Committee and Republican National Committee with the number of voter contacts and direct efforts to persuade electors to register and vote.

Buying Votes — The Democrat Way

WWAV plans to sponsor 516 Party at the Polls (PATP) in the seven swing states of Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and

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