
Democrats Keep Cranking Up The Heat On The Gas Stove Debate, But All Their Arguments Flame Out



In the first few days of February, central Texas was hit with a severe ice storm. An inch of ice accumulated on the trees around my house. Massive oak branches, weighing many times normal, were crashing down for four days. Our electricity was even knocked out a few times. But thankfully, during one outage, before I could safely get my generator up and running, we were able to prepare lunch for my aged father-in-law on our gas stove. 

I was grateful to own a stove that met my family’s needs. But soon, should the Biden administration and some local and state governments have their way, the gas stove will go the way of the incandescent lightbulb and for the same rationale: the environment — though the case against the gas stove is far less clear.

In January, a Biden appointee to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, Richard Trumka Jr., son of the late president of the AFL-CIO, decided gas stoves were a “hidden hazard.” And as a result, they could be banned across the nation.

It’s fascinating to see when the memo goes out among the left that something is doubleplusungood. As recently noted, when leftists decide you can’t have a big pickup truck, we’re treated to a spate of articles, things that purport to be “studies,” and opinion pieces that big pickup trucks are dangerous and dirty vehicles that are only driven by vain, power-hungry, selfish people. Now, they’re coming for our gas stoves. 

And about those lightbulbs. We

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