
Democrats’ Extremism On Full Display At DNC With Planned Parenthood’s Free Abortions Stunt



Planned Parenthood plans to celebrate the start of the Democratic National Convention this week by handing out free doses of the most popular and dangerous abortifacient on the market from the back of an RV.

The abortion giant’s baby-killing bus, which was explicitly designed to circumvent life-saving abortion limits in pro-life states, will be conveniently located just a few blocks away from where national Democrats and delegates will gather at the United Center in Chicago to promote a party platform that puts their radical abortion-until-birth agenda at the front and center of the 2024 election.

Those who managed to secure an appointment at the misnomered “mobile health center” on either Monday or Tuesday of convention week will have a free chance at a back-alley abortion via mifepristone, abortive morning-after pills or, for males, sterilization via vasectomy.

A sign-up link for the popup abortion event claims as of Monday morning that all spots are filled. Anyone who missed out on an appointment, however, is encouraged by the Kamala Harris ally to mail-order abortion pills — which are responsible for a 500 percent increase in abortion-related emergency room visits and can cause fatal complications for women, especially if ingested unsupervised — through its mobile app.

Planned Parenthood’s murder motorcoach may not be an official DNC-sanctioned activity but it’s certainly welcomed by the party that boasts of “protecting access to abortion, including by creating a new path for pharmacies to dispense FDA-approved medication abortion.”

Most Americans oppose Democrats’ unlimited abortion for all agenda, but that hasn’t stopped the

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