
Democrats Doubling Down On Biden Bribery Lies Suggests They’re Prepping For The Next Leak



House Democrats keep lying about the FBI’s handling of a “highly credible” confidential human source (CHS), who reported that the Ukrainian owner of Burisma bragged about paying then-Vice President Joe Biden a $5 million bribe. Their persistence suggests the FBI is poised to peddle selectively leaked documents to cover up its political favoritism and interference in the 2020 election.

On Friday, Democrat Ro Khanna went on Fox News to discuss the scandal surrounding the FD-1023 form that implicated Biden in a bribery scandal. Khanna, a member of the House Oversight Committee, along with other committee members, had reviewed the FD-1023 the previous day. After professing his full trust in the president, Khanna repeated the lie Ranking Member Jamie Raskin had peddled earlier in the week: that then-Attorney General William Barr’s hand-picked prosecutor, Scott Brady, had closed the investigation into the CHS’s claims contained in the FD-1023.

But Barr had already said this was a lie. After Raskin peddled the same falsehoods, Barr stated on the record that Trump’s DOJ had not closed the investigation into the CHS’s reporting of the alleged $5 million bribe.

“It’s not true. It wasn’t closed down,” Barr told The Federalist on Tuesday, stressing it was sent to “Delaware for further investigation.”

Raskin doubled down on his claim, however, issuing a press release soon after The Federalist’s story broke:

I stand 100% by my statements that we were told by the FBI team that visited us on Monday, June 5, 2023, that the

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