
Democrats’ Defense Of The Education Establishment Puts Them At Odds With Their Constituents



As education continues to grow as a political issue, leftist media outlets are fighting back the only way they can: by demonizing the opposition. Earlier this month, Sarah Jones, a writer for New York Magazine’s Intelligencer outlet, equated the parental rights movement to authoritarianism. A former evangelical Christian-turned-“atheist and socialist,” she likened parents’ efforts to reform government-funded education to training a dog or a horse, claiming, “To certain right-wing Christians, the concept is simple: A child can be broken, or stamped into shape, much like any domesticated animal.”

Her screed, which also smeared homeschooling parents as child abusers and denounced the pro-life movement as contributing to “the subjugation of women,” ended with a totalitarian plea that “Children aren’t private property, then, but a public responsibility.”

Jones isn’t the only ideologue to carry water for the failing educational establishment. In a recent interview with MSNBC’s Joy Reid, Michael Harriot, a columnist for Grio.com, denounced the recent rise of interest in classical education:

The viewers should know classic education is a dog whistle that means CRT is not taught here. Those people like the Moms of Liberty oppose CRT. They say they want their children to have a classical education, which means the stuff that the Daughters of the Confederacy stuff, the stuff that says George Washington was not a slave owner. That’s the stuff that they view as a classical education…

Not surprisingly, Harriot offered no evidence for this race-baiting slander, and Reid did not press him on

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