
Democrats Are More Committed To Destroying America Than Republicans Are To Saving It



This week’s Democrat National Convention (DNC) offers a clarifying moment in modern U.S. politics — and not for the reason people may think.

After just one day, Democrats have produced enough crazy to fill a swimming pool ten times over. From offering free abortions and vasectomies to attendees, to bragging about using lawfare to target their political opponents, the list of left-wing extremism coming out of the convention is getting longer by the second.

And what, you may ask, are Speaker Mike Johnson and House Republicans doing this week to counter-message this insanity?

Virtually nothing.

While Democrats espouse their radicalism to the country, Republicans couldn’t even be bothered to stay in Washington, D.C. Most representatives are currently back in their districts as part of Congress’s annual “August recess” and won’t return to town until Sept. 9.

If Johnson and GOP leadership actually cared about providing a contrasting vision from that produced by Democrats, they’d put their majority to good use. This means spending the August recess holding daily congressional hearings that underscore the severity of the ongoing border invasion and making the case to the American public on why government funding should be withheld next month unless the Biden-Harris administration fixes the crisis.

But Republicans aren’t doing any of that.

When they’re not issuing performative outrage tweets about what Democrats are saying at the DNC, they’re rushing to the nearest Fox News camera to warn viewers about how dangerous the modern left has become.

“Vote Republican

CLICK HERE to read the rest of this ARTICLE. This post was originally published on another website.


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