
Demi Lovato’s Pronoun Retreat Is A Warning To Her Fans



Demi Lovato’s identity crisis has left her “exhausted.”

Two years after the singer announced her new pronouns were “they/them,” Lovato, who has been a celebrity since her teens, has gone back to accepting her true sex with “she/her.”

“I constantly had to educate people and explain why I identified with those pronouns. It was absolutely exhausting,” Lovato told GQ Hype Spain. “And that is one of the reasons that has led me to also feel comfortable with the feminine pronouns. I just got tired.”

In other words, she went through a phase in her 30s. She was into something, into it enough to allow it to define her for 24 months, and then decided to change her mind at the flip of a switch. If a grown-up woman can change her mind on something so major that quickly, then just imagine how quickly a gullible child or anxious teen can.

Lovato fell into a trap that has taken an increasing number of Americans as victims. Having grown up in Hollywood fame, Lovato’s far-left influences led her down a pipeline of confusion. Suffering from myriad mental disorders, Lovato found herself obsessed with so-called gender identity to explain her own crises.

One study showed nearly 60 percent of people identifying as “non-binary” reported having at least a single mental health disorder. Lovato, who identified as such, admitted just last month she suffered from several.

In an interview at the Hollywood and Mind Summit in May, the former Disney child star

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