
Defenders Of Joe Biden’s Corrupt Phone Calls Sound Ridiculous



It’s a little-known fact that the Bidens are keen amateur meteorologists. So much so that Hunter Biden will often call his dad out of the blue — sometimes even interrupting important business meetings in Dubai with corrupt execs of Eastern Europe energy interests — just to chit-chat about the weather. You know how it goes.

Joe’s love of the all-things climate meant regularly engaging in “casual conversation” and “niceties about the weather,” the always entertaining Daniel Goldman explained after Hunter’s business partner Devon Archer reportedly testified under oath that the patriarch of the family had talked to Biden Inc. clientele at least 20 times.

To be fair, others have theorized that it wasn’t really the barometric readings as much as Joe’s boundless love of his son that kept the two on the phone. On MSNBC, Jonathan Lemire of Politico contends that we need to put the story into context; after all, “this is the time when Beau Biden, the president’s other son, was ill and dying and then passed away. So perhaps he wasn’t as attentive to what he should have been.”

“We know how important family is to the president,” added the Washington Post’s Eugene Robinson, the same week Joe recognized the existence of his four-year-old grandchild for the first time. “So, do you hang up on your son?”

These people think you’re a bunch of gullible nitwits.

But, yes, if your crack-addicted son puts you on speaker phone with executives from a company under investigation by Ukrainian authorities,

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