
Daniel Penny Deserves A Medal, Not Jail Time



Who can forget then-President Barack Obama’s plaintive love letter about Trayvon Martin, a teenage burglar killed during a struggle with neighborhood vigilante George Zimmerman in 2012? Obama said: “If I had a son, he’d look like Trayvon.”

Well, 24-year-old Daniel Penny looks like he could be my future son-in-law. 

On May 12, almost two weeks after the decorated American Marine Daniel Penny heroically intervened to save strangers from imminent attack by a lunatic bent on hurting someone, the West Islip native was arrested, handcuffed, and perp-walked out of a Manhattan police precinct. He was released after posting $100,000 bail. I wrote about him here

Because the violent schizophrenic — or as The New York Times slobbered, “a gifted Michael Jackson impersonator who captivated commuters with his fluent moonwalking” — died following the incident, Penny stands accused of second-degree manslaughter. If the district attorney, left-wing fanatic Alvin Bragg, gets his way, Penny will get sent up the river and spend 15 years at Sing Sing. 

Meanwhile, our favorite Neiman Marxist, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, is enjoying a string of wins. She’s claimed one more scalp for her growing trophy collection. Bored of her vanity campaign to “tax the rich,” as her Met Gala gown declared last year, she’s taken up a new hobby: bringing men she doesn’t like to heel — under her $1,000 Christian Louboutin pumps.

Recall that Ocasio-Cortez recently went on TV to demand that Fox News remove its biggest star, Tucker Carlson, from the air. Just like magic, Fox canceled Tucker’s

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