
Cuba Facilitates China’s Anti-America Aggression — But What Else Is New?



After first denying the obvious, the Biden administration finally admitted China has been spying on the United States from its facilities in Cuba. Then followed the administration’s staid responses claiming this was an “inherited” problem.

Well, if the Biden administration knew it inherited the problem, why has nothing been done about it for two years?

The answer is that China has used Cuba as an espionage base for decades. Even before the Trump administration, Chinese facilities on the island were continuously upgraded with sophisticated equipment, and Chinese military personnel were openly visible. Ask any one of the tens of thousands that have escaped the Marxist dystopia — they will tell of myriad Chinese military operatives infesting the island.

To the American media and nearly every administration since Kennedy, Cuban aggression against the United States seems to be something new and surprising, eliciting feigned shock. However, the Biden administration, their puppet advocates (the media), and those in Congress — enamored with the monsters tyrannizing the island — are once again exposed as frauds via a topical history lesson: This latest aggression by the Chinese is nothing new.

In 1962, at the height of the Cold War, Cuba allowed the Soviets to stage strategic nuclear missiles on the island, producing the episode and surrounding drama known as the Cuban Missile Crisis. Even though the medium-range Soviet missiles at the center of the standoff were removed from Cuba, it has since been revealed that the Russians also used the island to house short-range

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