
Court-Packing Is Just One More Way Democrats Would Turn America Into Venezuela



The left’s attacks on an independent Supreme Court over the past four years have only ratcheted upward. With Vice President and Democrat presumptive presidential nominee Kamala Harris’ embrace of President Joe Biden’s recent push to both pack the court and strip the most senior justices of power, we are facing a real possibility that the United States will descend into the chaos and lawlessness of Venezuela.

After Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez packed the court in 2004, the Venezuelan Supreme Court ruled exclusively in favor of the government in more than 45,000 cases. Court-packing is a recipe for a dictatorship, even here in the United States. 

Since the 1930s, when President Franklin Roosevelt unsuccessfully tried to add six justices to the Supreme Court to make the court rule in favor of his New Deal legislative program, court-packing has been a red line in the United States. Even the overwhelmingly Democrat-controlled United States Senate at the time rebuked FDR’s brazen effort to destroy an independent Supreme Court. 

But with the election of President Donald Trump in 2016 and his appointment of three justices that changed the direction of the historically left-wing Supreme Court, Democrats have attacked the court’s decisions and sought to undermine the court’s independence. 

Democrat Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer stood on the steps of the court in March 2020 while the justices were hearing oral arguments on an abortion-related case and threatened two justices by name with violence if they voted against the pro-abortion side: “I want to tell

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