
Could Democrat Hubris And Incompetence Cost Biden Ballot Access In These States?



President Joe Biden is at risk of losing ballot access in Alabama and Ohio due to a scheduling error by the Democratic National Committee (DNC), according to the states’ leading election officials.

On Tuesday, Alabama Secretary of State Wes Allen informed the state Democrat Party and DNC that the party’s national nominating convention is scheduled to take place after the deadline by which presidential and vice presidential candidates are required to be certified by state law. According to the statute Allen cited, political parties must provide a certificate of nomination for these candidates “no later than the 82nd day preceding the day fixed for the election,” or Aug. 15, 2024.

The Democratic National Convention is currently slated to start Aug. 19.

“The certificate of nomination must be signed by the presiding officer and secretary of the convention and by the chair of the state executive committee of the political party making the nomination,” Allen wrote in a letter. “If this Office has not received a valid certificate of nomination from the Democratic Party following its convention by the statutory deadline, I will be unable to certify the names of the Democratic Party’s candidates for President and Vice President for ballot preparation for the 2024 general election.”

Allen sent his letter days after legal counsel for Ohio Secretary of State Frank LaRose issued a similar communique notifying Ohio Democrat Party Chair Liz Walters that the Democratic National Convention’s current date is more than a week after the date by

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