
Corrupt New York Times Freaks Out Over Gas Stoves, Downplays Poisonous Chemical Spill In Ohio  



There is perhaps no better example of how disingenuous and inconsistent our corporate press is than the comparison between The New York Times’ take on gas stoves vs. the fiery derailment of a train carrying toxic chemicals along the Ohio-Pennsylvania line in East Palestine, Ohio, last week. According to the press, gas stoves are deeply worrisome and hazardous, but a chemical spill equivalent to a World War I-era bioweapon is perfectly safe.

“Gas stoves have ignited a debate in Washington, as mounting evidence shows potential health risks including a link to childhood asthma,” reads The New York Times in an article from last month. The column was one of many the corporate press published at the behest of Democrats to fan the flames of hysteria surrounding gas stoves.

Richard Trumka Jr. of the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission began pushing to ban gas stoves back in December, calling it “a real possibility” that could happen quickly with enough public pressure. Shortly after, there was an outpouring of studies on the “science” of why gas stoves are hazardous, and Democrat lawmakers began throwing out every talking point from “gas stoves cause brain damage” to “gas stoves are racist.” 

The gas stove panic has nothing to do with science. It’s wrapped up in a massive tyrannical power grab cloaked in environmentalism, and those who want your gas stove won’t stop there; they want to ban all gas-powered appliances.

The media never considered there were any negatives to a gas stove ban, though. Instead, they gleefully defended Trumka’s proposal and worked to convince the public

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