
Corrupt Media Care More About ‘Qanon’ Than Human Trafficking



Angel Studios’ recent film “Sound of Freedom,” which adapts the true story of a government agent-turned-vigilante who works within legal means to fight an international child sex trafficking ring, is receiving great commercial success and critical acclaim.

Briefly outperforming the latest pile of Disney slop, “Sound of Freedom” is a well-produced and well-acted film that effectively blends action and suspense while pushing one of the modern world’s most significant — yet under-discussed — issues to the forefront of public discourse. This issue, of course, being the multibillion-dollar, global human trafficking industry. 

The point of the movie, as expressed by its star Jim Caviezel in a heartfelt mid-credits call to action, is to wake people up to the horrors of the all-too-real and overlooked exploitation of children in the contemporary sex trade.

This seems like a pretty harmless task, no? If anything, one would think that a widely popular cultural phenomenon attempting to encourage people to stand against the ongoing exploitation of children is a net positive.

However, perhaps unsurprisingly, left-wing media took the opportunity to lambaste “Sound of Freedom” as “a Superhero Movie for Dads With Brainworms” and a “Trafficking Fantasy Fit for Qanon.”

Rolling Stone, placing a comically outsized focus on the “near-total absence of procedural logic” and the film’s embellishment of real-life events (it is a movie, after all), onanistically kvetched about Caviezel’s and Tim Ballard’s (the man whose story “Sound of Freedom” adapted) conservative affiliations, impassioned anti-human trafficking activism, and the possibility that they may believe

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