
Corporate Press Reaction To CNN Trump Town Hall Illuminates Beltway Bubble



Beltway media still can’t seem to imagine that people read beyond whatever narrative is published by the editors of the Washington Post. That’s because those in the corporate press corps remain locked in their own isolated echo chambers.

CNN’s town hall with former President Donald Trump last week was just the latest illustration of D.C. press elites revealing their disconnect from the very people they claim to work for. The first question by CNN moderator Kaitlan Collins wasn’t about the war in Ukraine, recent bank collapses, or the upcoming election in 2024, for which the first debate is three months away. Instead, the CNN anchor pressed the former president on his efforts to “overturn the 2020 election.”

“Your first term ended with a deadly riot at the Capitol, and you still have not publicly acknowledged the 2020 election results,” Collins said. “Why should Americans put you back in the White House?”

It was a predictable question from a predictable host on a predictable network, met with the kind of predictable mockery from the former president who doubled down on a fraudulent contest in traditional Trump terms.

“Unless you’re a very stupid person, you see what happens,” Trump said. “It was a rigged election, and it’s a shame that we had to go through it. It’s very bad for our country.”

Collins wagged her finger.

“It was not a rigged election. It was not a stolen election,” Collins said. “It’s been nearly two-and-a-half years. Can you publicly acknowledge that you

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