
Corporate Media Cover For Biden Amid Worst Illegal Immigration Influx In U.S. History



Corporate media are running cover for President Joe Biden after U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) recorded 251,487 arrests of illegal migrants, including 17 potential terrorists, at the southern U.S. border in December, making it the worst month for illegal immigration recorded in American history.

The influx was so large that CBP had to change the graph it uses to record “Southwest Land Border Encounters” for the fourth time since Biden was inaugurated in January 2021.

Border towns are “on the brink of collapse” and at least 1.2 million “gotaways,” border crossers who were spotted by border agents but not detained or screened, are floating around the United States. Yet, instead of reporting on the effect Biden’s border crisis is having on Republicans and Democrats alike, corporate media are carrying water for Biden.

Up until his performative visit to El Paso in early January, Biden barely acknowledged the crisis he brought upon the border when he took office in 2021. Now, Biden is back to ignoring the border, and his allies in the corporate media — whose previous border coverage largely focused on lies like the bogus migrant whipping story — are doing the same.

When news of the historically high number dropped on Friday night, ABC’s “World News Tonight,” CBS Evening News, and NBC Nightly News made no mention of it. When CBS and ABC finally covered some of the border crisis, they did not acknowledge the recent data and instead focused on how

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