
Corporate Media Claim There’s No Such Thing As Late-Term Abortion But Cry When It Is Paused



Despite their propensity for supporting ballot measures and bills that would codify killing babies until birth, abortion activists have long insisted that there is no such thing as late-term abortion. That propaganda went out the window this week, however, when the New York Times published a story mourning that the “Manhattan Planned Parenthood Will Stop Offering Abortions After 20 Weeks.”

New York allows abortion through all nine months of gestation as long as a medical provider decides the baby is “not viable” or deems a woman’s “life, physical health, or mental health” at risk. Planned Parenthood’s Manhattan facility, however, will pause ending the lives of unborn children well into and beyond the second trimester of pregnancy because the abortion giant’s cost cuts and closures across the Empire State mean it can “no longer afford the ‘deep sedation’ required” to execute late-term abortions.

The NYT, which likely recognizes how unpopular butchering babies beyond 15 weeks is among Americans, tried to reassure readers that abortions beyond the halfway mark of pregnancy are rare, making up “less than 2 percent” of the New York Planned Parenthood’s facilities. The author also claimed that “abortions after that point are usually performed because the fetus has a fatal condition that could not be detected sooner or because the mother’s life is in danger.”

Yet, the article is clearly designed to gin up sympathy and an extra $13 million in taxpayer funding for New York Planned Parenthoods and the “30,000 abortion visits” those facilities complete annually. Buried deep in

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