
Cornered By Facts, Rabid Transgender Ideologues Lash Out With More Lies



The purveyors of child sexual mutilation are worried. Those fighting against medically “transitioning” children have won a lot in the last year, and the transgender lobby is responding by lying even more. For example, a recent piece by Meredithe McNamara of the Yale School of Medicine purports to debunk “an inescapable swirl of disinformation that targets trans youth.” McNamara offers “five things you need to know to combat the vast majority of anti-trans talking points.”

But it is her claims that are false, often obviously so.

This dishonesty begins with her first claim, which is that “So-called ‘social contagion’ is not real and it does not make people trans.” She focuses her critique on Lisa Littman’s study describing the phenomenon of rapid-onset gender dysphoria. The research McNamara cites in response is terrible, but this is beside the point because transgender identities are obviously socially contagious — no one needs social science reports to see this. After all, if transgenderism is a “natural state of being” resulting from “genetics and the brain’s structural development” then why can’t we diagnose transgender identities via genetic markers or MRI rather than subjective self-evaluation, and why has transgender identification suddenly increased exponentially?

The usual excuse is that this enormous increase in transgender identities is the result of a more affirmative and accepting society — trans people were always here in these numbers but are only just now coming out. However, this claim destroys the suicide narrative that powers the transgender movement, which is that trans-identified

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