
Convicted Felon Hunter Biden Still Above The Law As Cover For Democrats’ Never-Ending Trump Persecution



It’s supposed to comfort voters that President Biden’s degenerate middle-aged son Hunter was just convicted of multiple felonies related to illegally obtaining a gun. But if you’re a self-respecting human, the only response is, No, thanks! I don’t eat off the ground.

The news media have naturally teamed up with Democrat leaders to defend the Biden Justice Department’s menial conviction, which is destined for an appeal and ultimately a negligible punishment, if anything. “Democrats openly embrace Hunter Biden guilty verdict,” read an Axios headline Tuesday. The story quoted several Democrat lawmakers repeating the mind-numbing “No one is above the law” song.

They did the same thing almost exactly a year ago after Hunter Biden struck a laughable plea deal with the Justice Department that would have secured him no punishment and, more importantly, granted him immunity from future prosecution of crimes he hadn’t even been charged with.

These happened in June 2023.

ABC “The View’s” Sunny Hostin: “It shows no one is above the law, which is important, not even the president’s son.” Obama 2012 deputy campaign manager Stephanie Cutter: “[I]t shows that no one is above the law and what taking responsibility looks like.” Washington Post: “The sitting president’s son being held accountable for underpaying his taxes illustrates that no one is above the law in the U.S. system.”

The Axios article this week microwaved the tired slogan. “The key phrase for Democrats when discussing the Hunter Biden verdict on Tuesday,” read the article, “was ‘nobody is above the

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