
Conservatives Need To Be Producers, Not Just Consumers



My wife and I used to enjoy going to Target. Once they started proudly selling chest binders and male genital underwear to confused young girls, however, we no longer shop there.

Voting with your dollar is important. However, you can still suffer from the effects of consumerism even if you shop at all the right places.

What do I mean by consumerism? I’ll give you a simple definition of consumerism: the persistent desire to consume rather than create.

We are all going to consume to some degree. As much as I can sympathize with self-reliance, I don’t believe we are made to be fully self-reliant. I believe God made us have some level of reliance on others on a social, economic, and spiritual scale.

Of course, we are all going to consume to some degree, but the mindset of consumerism has overtaken the conservative movement. “If we elect the right president, things will get better!” “We just have to get rid of Biden and our problems will be gone.” Statements such as these are effects of political consumerism on the right. Rather than simply seek one big fix to all our problems, which is unrealistic, it would be better to take practical steps in our own lives to make our communities better.

I started my own counseling business because I saw a lack of conservative Christians being open with their values in the counseling field. I found myself complaining about all these potential jobs being filled with liberal-leaning ideas. “Someone needs to

CLICK HERE to read the rest of this ARTICLE. This post was originally published on another website.


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