
Conservative PACs Plan To Put New Mexico In Play This Fall



No Republican has won statewide in New Mexico for 10 years. A series of ad buys from multiple political action groups aims to change that this November.

Earlier this month, the Piñon Post, a conservative state paper, reported on a new commercial campaign attempting to spoil Democrats’ expectation to maintain the state’s five electoral votes for Kamala Harris and reelect Sen. Martin Heinrich. The ads from a group called Election Freedom, Inc., attack Heinrich and Harris over inflation and the incumbent border crisis.

Derek Dufresne, a consultant for the 501(c)(4) political advocacy group, told The Federalist the New Mexico campaign was “a significant, seven-figure investment,” but did not provide an exact total.

“We are running an aggressive, complete, issue-based campaign focusing on the significant policy failures of Kamala Harris and Martin Heinrich, which will continue through November,” Dufresne said.

The ads highlight high food, energy, and mortgage costs in a border state overwhelmed by migration.

Another ad campaign from the group Frontiers of Freedom Action (FFA) targets Heinrich as one of three western senators hit by a multi-state media blitz highlighting Democrats’ anti-Catholic bigotry. The ads aired in both English and Spanish to target southwestern Hispanics disillusioned by the Democrats’ extremism, which conflicts with religious liberty.

“When Hispanic voters — especially Hispanics who attend Catholic Mass — come to learn about their senator’s record of anti-Catholic bigotry, they are going to be stunned,” George Landrith, the group’s president, said in a press release.

“Republicans too often forget

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