
Colorado’s Assisted Suicide Bill Would Invite Out-Of-Staters To End Their Lives In Two Days Or Less



Canadian lawmakers recently introduced legislation to delay a planned expansion of their Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID) program for three years. Without this delay, the rapidly increasing Canadian suicide rates will explode as those suffering from mental health conditions will be allowed to commit suicide with the help of a medical professional.

Not to be outdone, some Colorado legislators seem eager to expand the culture of death outside the womb and constitutionally enshrine a nonexistent “right” to death inside the womb. They are making the expansion of death a “hill to die on.”

House and Senate legislators have introduced the so-called “Medical Aid-in-Dying” bill. The bill goes much further than voters previously approved with the 2016 Proposition 106 on physician-assisted suicide. This bill would greatly expand Colorado’s assisted suicide laws, significantly increase access, and reduce the waiting period for those choosing death by medical professionals from 15 days to 48 hours, or even less under certain circumstances.

Once adopted, a culture of death expands rapidly. Assisted suicide now accounts for 4 percent of all deaths in Canada. The ill-advised program has already increased the number of physician-assisted suicides to more than 13,000 in 2022. MAID was initially scheduled to expand to mental health cases this March, but the proposed delay to 2027 is merely to prepare their medical system for implementation, not because it’s an inherently immoral plan.

No wonder Canada long ago abandoned the Hippocratic oath despite pro-life advocacy to revive the pledge. Once a person is convinced life

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