
Colorado Man Thrown Out Of State Senate Gallery For Wearing Pro-Life Sweatshirt



Image CreditImage Courtesy of Jeff Hunt

Colorado native Jeff Hunt was kicked out of his state’s senate gallery for wearing a “Pro-Life U” sweatshirt. “Pro-Life U” is the soon-to-be trademark for the Centennial Institute, a think tank based out of Colorado Christian University (CCU), of which Hunt is the director. 

I was blocked by the Colorado Senate from wearing my Pro-Life U sweatshirt in the Senate gallery, even though it’s a registered name for Colorado Christian University because it expresses a political sentiment and may result in conflict.

— Jeff Hunt (@jeffhunt) March 21, 2023

Under “gallery rules” on the Colorado General Assembly website, it does not say that political messages on clothing are prohibited, and Hunt told The Federalist that he was not aware of a rule against political apparel. However, the Colorado Sergeant at Arms who escorted Hunt out of the gallery showed Hunt a small sign outside the gallery that does say expressing “political statements” is not allowed in the gallery.

The supposed rule, however, has not been equally enforced in the Colorado State Assembly. In January, a group of students wearing anti-2nd Amendment apparel was allowed to sit in the gallery unbothered. 

Will be on @DanCaplis show at 4:20pm to discuss getting booted from Colorado Senate gallery for wearing a Pro-Life U sweatshirt. Just a few weeks ago, students wearing messages advocating gun control were allowed. pic.twitter.com/NgzhVn7L8o

— Jeff Hunt (@jeffhunt) March 21, 2023

“It takes about five minutes to

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