
Choosing Life Over An Abortion Pill Was The Best Choice I Ever Made



Having an abortion was the worst decision of my life. Having a child was the best decision of my life. I know because I’ve done both.

I was 17 years old when I first got pregnant. It was the start of my senior year in high school, and I was extremely nervous to tell my parents. My boyfriend at the time told me that my only option was to have an abortion. I considered different scenarios in my head. Could I keep the baby? How would life work? Would I be OK?

Instead, I went to Planned Parenthood, and they had me meet a counselor. I’m not sure why, because they didn’t really “counsel” me. No one discussed how old or developed the baby was, or even what was happening inside my body. It was very simple. You’re pregnant? Don’t want to tell your parents? Abortion is the only answer.

They gave me two pills to have a chemical abortion. The first pill I took in front of them. I had to take the other pill at home 24 hours later. All I can say is that I bled a lot. It was traumatizing and dangerous — the most terrifying thing I had ever been through. As I reflect on my experience, I can’t believe I did that and put my body through that trauma.

Two years later, I found myself in the exact same situation, pregnant and alone. My boyfriend and I were on terrible terms, and he wasn’t

CLICK HERE to read the rest of this ARTICLE. This post was originally published on another website.


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