
ChatGPT 2.0 Is More Powerful And Still Woke, But It Doesn’t Have To Control Us



If the AI-powered language-learning model ChatGPT has mesmerized or terrified you, then brace yourself. OpenAI, the company behind ChatGPT, this week released a more powerful AI model called GPT-4 and declared the AI bot “the latest milestone in its effort in scaling up deep learning,” but it comes with the same left-wing biases.

GPT-4 functions better than its predecessor. According to Rob Waugh, a technology correspondent, the new AI bot can understand and interpret intricate images. It accepts “inputs in the form of images as well as text, but still outputs its answers in text, meaning it can offer detailed descriptions of images.” The bot can learn “a particular writing style, which makes it an ideal partner on creative projects.”

Another impressive feature is that the bot “can now pass the legal exams with results in the top 10 percent (GPT-3, which previously powered ChatGPT, could pass the exams, but with results in the bottom 10 percent).” Early adopters also discovered the bot’s capacity for “writing endless bedtime stories for children, creating ‘one-click lawsuits’ to deal with robo-callers and even building webpages from handwritten notes.”

GPT-4 has remarkable capabilities, but it has shortcomings. For one, the bot does not always get its facts right, despite notable improvement. “GPT-4 is 40% less likely to come up with factual errors – although it still does so—and is 82% less likely to come up with banned content,” according to Waugh.

Waugh wrote that he asked GPT-4 to generate a biography for a semi-famous friend, but the bot got several facts

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